The [Run] section is optional, and specifies any number of programs to execute after the program has been successfully installed, but before the Setup program displays the final dialog. The [UninstallRun] section is optional as well, and specifies any number of programs to execute as the first step of uninstallation. Both sections share an identical syntax, except where otherwise noted below.
Programs are executed in the order they appear in the script. By default, when processing a [Run]/[UninstallRun] entry, Setup/Uninstall will wait until the program has terminated before proceeding to the next one, unless the nowait, shellexec, or waituntilidle flags are used.
Note that by default, if a program executed in the [Run] section queues files to be replaced on the next reboot (by calling MoveFileEx or by modifying wininit.ini), Setup will detect this and prompt the user to restart the computer at the end of installation. If you don't want this, set the RestartIfNeededByRun directive to no.
The following is an example of a [Run] section.
[Run] Filename: "{app}\INIT.EXE"; Parameters: "/x" Filename: "{app}\README.TXT"; Description: "View the README file"; Flags: postinstall shellexec skipifsilent Filename: "{app}\MYPROG.EXE"; Description: "Launch application"; Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent unchecked
The following is a list of the supported parameters:
The program to execute, or file/folder to open. If Filename is not an executable (.exe or .com) or batch file (.bat or .cmd), you must use the shellexec flag on the entry. This parameter can include constants.
Filename: "{app}\INIT.EXE"
Valid only in a [Run] section. The description of the entry, which can include constants. This description is used for entries with the postinstall flag. If the description is not specified for an entry, Setup will use a default description. This description depends on the type of the entry (normal or shellexec).
Description: "View the README file"
Optional command line parameters for the program, which can include constants.
Parameters: "/x"
The directory in which the program is started from. If this parameter is not specified or is blank, it uses the directory from the Filename parameter; if Filename does not include a path, it will use a default directory. This parameter can include constants.
WorkingDir: "{app}"
Valid only in a [Run] section. Determines the message displayed on the wizard while the program is executed. If this parameter is not specified or is blank, a default message of "Finishing installation..." will be used. This parameter can include constants.
StatusMsg: "Installing BDE..."
Valid only in an [UninstallRun] section. If the same application is installed more than once, "run" entries will be duplicated in the uninstall log file. By assigning a string to RunOnceId, you can ensure that a particular [UninstallRun] entry will only be executed once during uninstallation. For example, if two or more "run" entries in the uninstall log have a RunOnceId setting of "DelService", only the latest entry with a RunOnceId setting of "DelService" will be executed; the rest will be ignored. Note that RunOnceId comparisons are case-sensitive.
RunOnceId: "DelService"
Specifies the action to be performed on the file. Must be combined with the shellexec flag. Commonly available verbs include "open" and "print". If this parameter is not specified or is blank, the default verb for the file type will be used (typically "open").
Verb: "print"
This parameter is a set of extra options. Multiple options may be used by separating them by spaces. The following options are supported:
Causes the {sys} constant to map to the 32-bit System directory when used in the Filename and WorkingDir parameters. This is the default behavior in a 32-bit mode install.
This flag cannot be combined with the shellexec flag.
Causes the {sys} constant to map to the 64-bit System directory when used in the Filename and WorkingDir parameters. This is the default behavior in a 64-bit mode install.
This flag can only be used when Setup is running on 64-bit Windows, otherwise an error will occur. On an installation supporting both 32- and 64-bit architectures, it is possible to avoid the error by adding a Check: IsWin64 parameter, which will cause the entry to be silently skipped when running on 32-bit Windows.
This flag cannot be combined with the shellexec flag.
If this flag is specified, the wizard will be hidden while the program is running.
If this flag is specified, it will not wait for the process to finish executing before proceeding to the next [Run] entry, or completing Setup. Cannot be combined with waituntilidle or waituntilterminated.
Valid only in a [Run] section. Instructs Setup to create a checkbox on the Setup Completed wizard page. The user can uncheck or check this checkbox and thereby choose whether this entry should be processed or not. Previously this flag was called showcheckbox.
If Setup has to restart the user's computer (as a result of installing a file with the flag restartreplace or if the AlwaysRestart [Setup] section directive is yes), there will not be an opportunity for the checkbox to be displayed and therefore the entry will never be processed.
The isreadme flag for entries in the [Files] section is now obsolete. If the compiler detects a entry with an isreadme flag, it strips the isreadme flag from the [Files] entry and inserts a generated [Run] entry at the head of the list of [Run] entries. This generated [Run] entry runs the README file and has flags shellexec, skipifdoesntexist, postinstall and skipifsilent.
If this flag is specified, the spawned process will inherit Setup/Uninstall's user credentials (typically, full administrative privileges).
This is the default behavior when the postinstall flag is not used.
This flag cannot be combined with the runasoriginaluser flag.
Valid only in a [Run] section. If this flag is specified and the system is running Windows Vista or later, the spawned process will execute with the (normally non-elevated) credentials of the user that started Setup initially (i.e., the "pre-UAC dialog" credentials).
This is the default behavior when the postinstall flag is used.
If a user launches Setup by right-clicking its EXE file and selecting "Run as administrator", then this flag, unfortunately, will have no effect, because Setup has no opportunity to run any code with the original user credentials. The same is true if Setup is launched from an already-elevated process. Note, however, that this is not an Inno Setup-specific limitation; Windows Installer-based installers cannot return to the original user credentials either in such cases.
This flag cannot be combined with the runascurrentuser flag.
If this flag is specified, it will launch the program in a hidden window. Never use this flag when executing a program that may prompt for user input.
If this flag is specified, it will launch the program or document in a maximized window.
If this flag is specified, it will launch the program or document in a minimized window.
This flag is required if Filename is not a directly executable file (an .exe or .com file). When this flag is set, Filename can be a folder or any registered file type -- including .chm, .doc, and so on. The file will be opened with the application associated with the file type on the user's system, the same way it would be if the user double-clicked the file in Explorer.
By default, when the shellexec flag is used it will not wait until the spawned process terminates. If you need that, you must add the flag waituntilterminated. Note that it cannot and will not wait if a new process isn't spawned -- for example, if Filename specifies a folder.
If this flag is specified in the [Run] section, Setup won't display an error message if Filename doesn't exist.
If this flag is specified in the [UninstallRun] section, the uninstaller won't display the "some elements could not be removed" warning if Filename doesn't exist.
When this flag is used, Filename must be an absolute path.
Valid only in a [Run] section. Instructs Setup to skip this entry if Setup is not running (very) silent.
Valid only in a [Run] section. Instructs Setup to skip this entry if Setup is running (very) silent.
Valid only in a [Run] section. Instructs Setup to initially uncheck the checkbox. The user can still check the checkbox if he/she wishes to process the entry. This flag is ignored if the postinstall flag isn't also specified.
If this flag is specified, it will wait until the process is waiting for user input with no input pending, instead of waiting for the process to terminate. (This calls the WaitForInputIdle Win32 function.) Cannot be combined with nowait or waituntilterminated.
If this flag is specified, it will wait until the process has completely terminated. Note that this is the default behavior (i.e. you don't need to specify this flag) unless you're using shellexec flag, in which case you do need to specify this flag if you want it to wait. Cannot be combined with nowait or waituntilidle.
Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent